Thursday, June 13, 2013

Determining Monthly Budgets For Digital Marketing

advertising budget
We know that the trend for marketing is moving online and we know that local small to medium sized businesses need to have a balanced approach for allocating their resources so how do they go about figuring out what is right for them?

We will cover a few topics on how to help figure out the right budget and the right allocation.  Below are the areas we will cover.

  • What percentage of my business's gross revenues should I put into marketing?
  • What percentage of my marketing budget should go toward traditional verses online?
  • What type of mix should I have with my online advertising?
  • How do I plan for seasonality?

When running a local business having a plan and executing that plan is vital for your survival.  Local businesses are getting hit from all sides and have competitors at every turn.  Local small to medium sized Philadelphia businesses need to compete against other Philly SMBs, national chains, e-commerce companies and more.  With that in mind, it is very important to have a budget and stick with it. 

Lots of businesses shoot from the hip when determining their marketing but that will lead to a ballooning budget.  When looking at how much to spend, there are consultants that recommend 7-8% of your gross annual revenue.  I personally believe that this is a very aggressive number and usually advice my clients to be in the 5% area.  Throughout this blog we'll use an example of a $3 million a year business.

Revenue = $3 million
Annual Marketing Budget = $150,000
Monthly Marketing Budget = $12,500

Percentage Toward Online & Offline
Very soon the total advertising dollars of online marketing is going to exceed that of traditional marketing. Just last year in 2012, $39 billion was spent in online and $33 billion was spent on print advertising. 2013 is showing to have more of the same when it comes to spending online marketing dollars.  This coming year it has been shown that there is going to be an increase of 5% spent on marketing online.

online marketing philadelphiaThe question for local Philly businesses is, how much should I put to digital advertising?  I recommend that clients typical allocate 50% of marketing to traditional and 50% toward online.  I make the case that traditional marketing is still important to driving the message out locally and it is still expensive.  As an example, it's about $850 for one spot on WMMR morning drive so to keep a consistent message it is going to take a healthy investment. When thinking about where to place your advertising dollars make sure to place it in the right place because you need a lot of frequency to accomplish top of mind awareness.

In our example of $3 million business, about $6,250 should be dedicated to online marketing and $6,250 toward offline advertising.

Marketing Mix
Now that we have a breakdown of how much, the next logical question is where do we invest?  To answer that we need to understand what is out there in terms of digital marketing.

There are some key areas that we group digital marketing into and below are the main areas:
Search Engines
Brand Building
Social Management
Email Marketing

Search Engines
  • This breaks down into two major areas
    PPC marketing consultant
    • SEO (or search engine optimization)
      •  When it comes to investment, this will take an initial payment and then usually a month maintenance fee.
      • I usually advise my clients that building a quality site with a blog and updating both is the best investment of time.  If you do this upfront work, the monthly investment for SEO should be minimal. 
      • Example...with our $3 million company I would recommend $500 a month on SEO
    • SEM (or search engine marketing)
      • Google, Yahoo, Bing and the other search engine have a marketing platform that allows for you to bid on keywords and pay for visits.
      • With the changing algorithm at Google and the rest, it is important to keep placement on the search engines with a good strategy of buying keywords that get calls and emails.
      • Each industry is different and the cost per keyword varies so budget should reflect the competitive nature of your industry.  You can go to Google to see how competitive your industry is by visiting their keyword tool
      • Example...with our $3 million company we will say that they are a HVAC company that is in Philadelphia that wants to target AC keywords.  A locally targeting campaign could run up to $3000 a month.
Brand Building
When it comes to push messaging online there are lots of ways to go about getting the message out.  Banner ads are a good way to get the brand image to the right people.  Banner ads have been revolutionized over the years.  Through cookie tracking you can now focus in on specific demographics and search behaviors.  No longer do you have to waste your advertising dollars on one-off newspaper websites or just on Comcast.
  • Banner Ads
    • Remarketing and Retargeting allow businesses to push their message to a very specific market of people.  You can target people that have been to your website as well as people that have been searching specifically for your product or service.
    • This type of advertising is bought on cost per 1000.  That means that when a 1000 people see the banner ad the client is billed a fee.  That fee is determined on how valuable the website is and how much it is worth to the other companies bidding on it.
    • High traffic websites like ESPN, CNN and others can charge up to $40 per CPM.  Smaller blogs and niche sites can be in the $1 to $3 CPM range.
    • Example...our $3 million company can push messages during their core business season with a $1000 budget.
Social Management
social media consulting
Social management and marketing is a booming industry.  It is important to build your networks so that you can expand your online word of mouth, maintain a good reputation and do digital PR.  Customers are evaluating your business on  Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google +.
  • Social Marketing
    • My personal experience with local Philadelphia businesses is that marketing on Facebook is not worth the investment.  For some businesses I'm sure it can work but I have not seen this with local SMBs in Philly.
  • Social Management
    • When it comes to building your network and managing your reputation, this takes a lot of time and knowledge, which most local businesses don't have the time for.  An investment in social, for the right business, can help make all the difference when buyers get into the decision making mindframe.
    • Typically when you outsource social, that involves them building your followers, engaging your fans and managing your reputation.  Each week there needs to be post and content published to build your following.
    • Example...a month budget for social can range from $500 to $1500 a month depending on your needs
Email Marketing
Email marketing is a key part of digital advertising.  It can be used to send coupons, inform about specials, education about events and much more.

  • Development
    • You will want to build a list of emails as consistently as possible.  Every new prospect, client, customer, friend or passerby should be in your email data base.  As you build your list it is important to develop a consistent communication cadence.  You don't want to over do it but you want to have some method to your madness.  
  • Implementation
    • I recommend Constant Contact to my clients as an email platform.  It is inexpensive and easy to use.  If you need more detailed looking email platforms, then you will need to outsource it and find someone to assist you.
    • Example...a monthly investment should be around $100 to $500.  
online marketing consultantBudget Breakdown (for our $3 million client)

Search - $3500 (SEM & SEO)
Branding - $1000
Social - $1000
Email - $100
Total Monthly - $5600

This leaves some additional funds (roughly $650 a month) to be invested throughout the year to website updating and one off marketing ventures.

Not every business has a static monthly investment that it makes toward marketing.  Typically companies have learned their seasonality and adjust their spending based on the ebbs and flows of their business.  As a business you will need to tailor your marketing to get the biggest bang for your investment and to do that you need to make a big decision.  Are you going to put a push in your off peak season or during your core season?
  • Trend
    • When it comes to seasonal marketing it is important to know the trends so you can make an informed decision about when to push your message.  To help with that, Google has a great's called Google Trends.  I know...really out of the box thinking on the name.  Below is a view of party rental keywords.  This is showing volume of searches on Google for three keywords.

yahoo online marketing

  • Planning
    • With your marketing message make sure that you are turning up and turning down your frequency.  I recommend that during your off peak time that you pull back a little but still keep a strong presence on the Search Engines.  Then leading up to your peak time, push your message in all areas to ramp up your client acquisition.  Learn more about Seasonal Marketing.
In summary, have a plan and execute the plan.  Make sure you are being fiscally responsible and holding true to what your goals are.  Make sure the goals are clear and that you have a path is set forth.  When implementing your marketing, you will want to re-evaluate the performance and return on the investment every couple of months.  Do not set it and forget it.  Successful businesses are engaged with their marketing message and their marketing budget.

For more information or to set up your digital marketing plan, email Eric Laylon.  You can also visit

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Bitcoin - Should Local Businesses Accept It?

An interesting development has popped up over the last couple of months, we are starting to see a new internet currency come into play.  Bitcoin is a new online currency that is gaining some steam.  This currency is not based on gold or silver but on solving complex mathematical equations. This video does a good job of explaining how it works and how it was developed.


Bitcoin is a digital currency that was originated by an unknown group or person.  This makes it a little "scary" but nonetheless it is getting a good amount of PR and funding.  Bitcoin got its start in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto but Satoshi is not known to the public.  We're not even sure if it is a person or a group, although the thought is that it is a person and that they are doing this as a political thumbing of the nose to government regulated currency.


The way that it works is that Bitcoins are hidden in mathematical equations and the only way to unearth them is by solving the code.  The code is solved by Bitcoin miners.  These Bitcoin miners are computers that are diving into the code trying to find the Bitcoins.  Once you find a block of Bitcoins they are yours to keep.  There are 21 million Bitcoins available to be found, which is how worth is determined.  Not all of the Bitcoins have been released and only a few are release each year.  The pricing of Bitcoins is fluid, like any currency, and it currently sits around $112 per Bitcoin.  Websites like Mt.Gox are where you can go to exchange the currency.  It's value is based on what we think it is worth so it is much like gold.  You value gold because there is a limited amount of it and the same is true with Bitcoins. 


Now the question comes to play, who is accepting it and should local Philadelphia businesses jump on board?  Right now most transactions are mainly between individuals.  There are website companies that are accepting it but most of them are internet based gambling sites and web based businesses.  You can find them on Google by searching for "accepting Bitcoins".  Right now there aren't any major companies that are on the list but there are some major companies investing in it.  Bitcoin got $5 million investment from Union Square Ventures so with money starting to get invested into the system, it gives the movement some validity.

Paypal is a good example of how this can explode.  Paypal had a pretty quick adoption rate with local businesses.  Paypal is grounded in hard currency but the thinking is similar.  Since Bitcoin is its own currency the adoption is going to be a lot slower due to the uncertainty of the platform.  PayPal is considering accepting Bitcoins, which would be a major breakthrough.  If Bitcoins can break into the mainstream by way of PayPal or other banking facilities, this will go a long way to legitimizing the whole process.


One issue that it will have to over come is hackers.  The Bitcoin system has been hacked a couple times and the hackers are targeting the online wallets of users. With everything online, there is the risk of getting hacked so it is something that everyone has to weigh before getting involved.  That being said, people thought Facebook would sell your personal information to the government and they would have full access to your life but look how successful it has been.  Even stocks markets can be affected by hackers, look at what happened when the AP twitter account was hacked and the stock market tanked.  These situations don't keep the majority of people away from Facebook and the Stock Market.

Why Do It?

For local Philly businesses it comes down to whether or not they want to venture into this arena.  If they do, there are some benefits.
  • No cost of entry
  • No charge backs or fees
  • Early adopters are bound to gain from it in the beginning
As with everything there are some drawbacks
  • No regulation - could be a plus or minus really
  • Hackers
  • Market volatility
How To Market It

For those companies that do jump into this, they will need to get the word out.  If I was a business, that catered to the young cutting edge demographic, I would seriously think about moving forward with it.  There are lots of internet forums out there to get exposure for this. You can get listed in a lot of areas, like Social marketing is going to be key in how to get the message out.  Twitter, Facebook, Google + and other are going to make or break your strategy.  You can also set up an Google Adwords account to focus in on searches for Bitcoins.  Also incorporating the Bitcoin into your website and text ads is going to help promote this new part of your business.

Final Thoughts

As Bitcoins pick up speed, you will be out in front of the wave.  If you are the early adopter type, you'll want to get on board quick because as more people get involved the more watered down it will become.  I believe that internet currency is going to go through a couple generations of change but we'll see something like Bitcoin that will catch on in the mainstream.  The internet has changed so much in our lives and this is one area that it can easily revolutionize. Educate yourself and be aware of the changes with Bitcoins, as this is probably the first wave of a title wave that has yet to come.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at or visit my website,

Thursday, April 25, 2013

CPR For Your Online Marketing

Is your online marketing stale, old, outdated and in need of life support?  It is very critical that local businesses make sure that their marketing efforts are working at driving results. Internet marketing has been around since the mid-90's and some local Philadelphia companies have been ahead of the curve but I have seen countless advertisers that set it and forget it.  This post is for those that want a refresh of their strategy and want some direction of how to improve their existing online marketing efforts.

We will look at how to give CPR to your online marketing.  Each area has a couple subcategories to it and hopefully it will help bring your advertising to life.

  • C - Conversions
    • One of the most important thing to look at your internet advertising is from a point of conversions.
      • Are you tracking your calls from your online marketing?  Is your email marketing getting the right amount of responses?  Are you benchmarking your marketing?
        1. Call tracking is nothing new but it is very important at answering some fundamental questions.
          1. Who is calling you
          2. What are they calling about
          3. How is your staff handling incoming sales calls
          4. What is your closing ration on first time callers
            1. To learn how to set up call tracking, email me at
        2. I recently read this interesting article on email marketing and how to get the best response rate.  I used it some of this information with my own email marketing and increased my open rate by 30% (results below).  Getting more conversions from email marketing is difficult but if you time it right, you can increase your odds.
        3. An important fundamental part of marketing online is benchmarking your advertising.  Below are key things to look at that should help you improve your conversions.
          1. Click Thru Rate - Is your campaign achieving INDUSTRY standard CTR? It is important to benchmark against your industry.  When I work with my clients, we benchmark their pay per click on their specific vertical or industry.  Each area of business is different.  You wouldn't benchmark a party rental client with an attorney so make sure you are using applicable information.
          2. Analytics -  Making sure your website is meeting benchmarks is vital to your success as a business.  With Google Analytics you can set up and watch conversions on your website.  You can see if the traffic is meeting your goals or not.  If it is not, take steps to change it by A/B testing your tweaks to the website.
          3. Closing Ratio - If you are tracking your calls into your business, as we talked about, you will want to make sure you are closing an acceptable rate.  Again, every business is different but as you learn what your closing ratio is it will help you benchmark success.  Do you close 20% of leads or are you closer to 50%?  Each industry is different so learn what your industry average is and then work toward that goal.
  •  P - Four P's of marketing
    • Promotion
      • What is your call to action?  One very important thing to look at with your digital marketing is to see if you are promoting your service the correct way.  You will want to get your audience to take action.  You need to find the pain and make sure your solution solves that pain.  In your search engine marketing you will want your text ads to be brief and have a call to action.  Promote deadlines in your text ads to generate clicks to your ads.
    • Product
      • When working in online marketing you need to make sure you have a good product mix.  With the three areas of online advertising being Search, Social and Display, local companies need to know which product or service fits with each platform.
        • Search Marketing is a fit for 90% of businesses but you need to make sure that you can make the right investment to get a good return.  As one example, the education field is expensive so if you are a smaller college or university you need to make sure that you understand the cost before diving in.  Search is great for almost every business but specifically I've seen great returns from companies that work in medical, education, party rental, weight loss, flooring, industrial testing (yes that's correct), prosthetics (yup), and much more.
        • Social is tricky because return on investment is not always clear.  It is very hard to track but there is a growing need to have a good clear strategy so that you can be successful.  Social is good for highly personal purchases or word of mouth products such as spas, salon, gyms, dentist and attorneys.
        • Display advertising can be a fun way to be creative with digital marketing.  With that said, it is a branding medium.  Make sure you understand that the goal of any display campaign.  Display is used to push your message to a new audience. Understand that conversions are going to be low but those are not the goal.  Display is great for long sales cycle products like education, finance, real estate and automotive.
    • Price
      • The way to look at this P is what are you paying for your internet marketing.  Where is the focus of your budget and do you have a good mix?
        • I personally advocate to my clients that you should have a 40/60 split in your marketing.  40% online and 60% offline.  I typically deal with local businesses in Philly and most of them are just now moving into online marketing.  These companies still have traditional marketing outlets that work for them so I typically want to ease them into digital marketing.  Soon we will be in a landscape that will demand 50/50 or better.
    • Place
      • Placement of your online advertising is critical to success.  You need to be fluid and aggressive at the right time.  When talking about the search engines we see that a lot of companies ONLY advertise on Google and do nothing with Yahoo or Bing.  I've seen countless times, with my advertisers, that we actually get much high rate of return on Yahoo and Bing.  The total conversions might not be higher but we see a much lower cost per click and lower cost per lead.
        • There are many verticals that do much better on Yahoo/Bing.  This article highlights this trend.  
        • The article also noted that only 42% of advertisers doing PPC marketing had running campaigns on Yahoo/Bing.  This again shows the opportunity for those that make a move to get aggressive.
  • R - Return On Investment
    • Marketing is very difficult to track and even in the highly targeted and trackable world of internet marketing it is challenging to pinpoint specific ROI.  Below are some ideas of how to look at the return on you online marketing.
      • CRM System - I use Salesforce to manage my pipeline and make sure that I see a return on my efforts.  Make sure that you have a system in place to watch the entire sales process from cultivating to close.
      • Tracking Software - It's important to have a system tracking your advertising.  The human eye can only catch so much. Having an analytical program helping to run your marketing helps make sure that you don't have any holes in your day to day efforts.  It's best to leave the number crunching to the computer and you focus your efforts on the strategy and results.  ReachLocal provides a great tracking software to accomplish this mission.
      • Sales Tracking - Make sure the types of sales you are getting are producing enough margin to be successful.  It's basic but many times advertisers dump a lot of money into a product or service that has low margins and you get a slippery slope of declining returns. E-Commerce, if not done correctly, is a classic example of this.  New laws might even the playing field a little but many local businesses get into e-commerce with the thought of pushing product easily.  The problem with many local businesses is overhead.  True e-commerce companies have little or no overhead so they can compete with narrow margins. Make sure to keep your marketing focus on promoting products that give you a high ROI.
If you want a CPR analysis of your marketing efforts, feel free to visit or email me at

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Get Your Ego Out Of Your Marketing

In a culture that is all about ME, ME, ME...the consumer wants the message to be what the business can do for THEM, THEM, THEM.  Throughout our society we are inundated with messages about the best this and the #1 that.  As our culture moves toward a me first attitude, the marketing message, for a lot of local businesses, has mirrored this trend.

We see it all the time with marketing in the Delaware Valley.  We see hospitals promote their top doctors by placing a huge pictures of their
faces on the advertising.  We hear commercials on the radio that speak only about the awards that a business has received over the years.  We also see it on websites that put their glowing testimonials all over the place.  Consumers are rarely going to trust the credentials that are being promoted BY THE BUSINESS in their advertising.  It is important that people understand that you are a credible business but there are much better ways to do it than to push it in a marketing message.

It is important that your message be framed around what you can do for them and that is even more important when working in digital marketing.  The changes that Google is making in their algorithm make it necessary to provide good quality content and have a positive reputation online. You can read more about the changes here.

Below are a few ways to have better messaging and not shout how great you are:

  • Reviews
    •  As I talked about in my last post, online reviews are critical in how to run your reputation in 2013.  Reviews are also going to achieve great word of mouth about your services. With ego in mind, you will want to take some of the following steps to get the message about how great your services can be.
      • Search Your Business Name
        • It's the simplest thing yet most business owners have never done this. As a business, or marketing professional, you need to know what is being said and Google will tell you the good, bad and ugly. Click above and do it now!
        • Other people are doing this before they do business with you so now you will know what your strengths and weaknesses are.  The next step is to go about fixing it.
      • Promote Great Reviews
        • When someone leaves a great review, use it to promote why other people should use your services. You can promote it through your social media by highlighting the individual.  You can use Facebook Fan of the Week.
        • Make sure to respond to great reviews...matter of fact, respond to ALL reviews.
      • Traditional Marketing
        • In your traditional, or offline marketing, make sure to encourage people to search your reviews out.  You will want to make sure you've done the above mentioned actions before going this route.
  • Content Marketing
    • One of the most effective ways to self promote is through articles and blogs.  Most good businesses win awards and favorable standing in their community so you will want to make sure to promote that in your own way.
      • Social
        • As new awards come along, make sure to link to that organizations social pages and to start up a dialog with them by thanking them for the award.
        • Promote to your own network of followers that you have just accomplish said award.
      • Blog
        • Blogging helps self promote by linking to the article, website or social page.  As you develop your next blog entry, make sure to link to the award.
      • YouTube
        • If you have won an award and there is an award ceremony, make sure to video tape it and place it on YouTube.  What greater way to show your stuff then by actually showing it.
  • Messaging
    • Make sure that when you are developing your marketing message that you keep the end user in mind.  Don't waste your time with hyperbole about your product or services.  Let your messaging stay on point and have the product or service stand on its own two feet.  If you are doing your job right then the positive mentions will do the work for you and if it doesn't, you know you need to fix something...and quick.
For more information about digital marketing online in the Philadelphia area and beyond, visit

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Faking Online Reviews

Maintaining a positive online reputation is vitally important this day in age.  With the amount of research consumers do before making a purchase increasing every month, it is important to have your best foot forward with your online reviews.  Even with small purchases, people want to read multiple reviews and recommendations as they do not want to waste their money on a shoddy service or product.

I've helped many clients improve their online reputation over the years but it still confounds me that people think that they can game the system and put up fake reviews.  With the level of monitoring major websites like Yelp, Insider Pages, Amazon, Google Place and others put into their platforms, it is getting harder and harder to place fake reviews.  Yelp specifically is watching this with a very close eye.  They are watching IP addresses to see if a user is using the same IP address when putting reviews up.  They are also watching the time gap between reviews.  If someone places multiple glowing reviews for the same business, it will get flagged.

With all this monitoring it is very difficult to force positive reviews.  Also, as consumers get smarter, people are savvy enough to see fake reviews.  No product or service is perfect so if you have a 100 plus 5 star reviews no one is going to believe it.  If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, smells like a duck, it is probably a duck. Don't let your reviews be a bunch of lame ducks.

With that said, producing a really strong online reputation takes both an online and offline strategies.  Below are a couple tried and true ways to get the ball rolling.

  • Survey Monkey
    • If you have not used or heard of Survey Monkey, it is a free and useful tool to survey your customers.  How you can use this program is to include a rating feature into the end of the brief survey.  You can link the survey to your Google Place listing or Insider Pages. This way when someone is done filling out the survey they can leave a quick review.

  • Email Signature
    • A simple and useful way to increase reviews is adding a link to your email signature.  What this will help with is promoting your online reviews to each and every person you email.
  • In Store Signage/Handout
    • Just like every location should have a Facebook/Twitter sticker in their window, you should be including the review websites you want to promote at your physical location.
    • Every small business owner should also be giving a handout to each paying customer that promotes the different areas to put a review.  You can also use a QR code to help them get right to the page that you want to have them review your business.
  • LinkedIn
    • This is primarily a B2B strategy but it can work in all walks of business.  Getting reviews on LinkedIn is as easy as asking for them.  You can send request and get other people, that you are linked to, to review you and your business.
  • Claim & Respond
    • Make sure you are claiming all of your listing on the various review sites. This is the first step in making sure you can control the message.
    • Responding to both GOOD and BAD reviews is imperative. You must show that you are engaged and are listing to the feedback.
Below are a few pretty important DON'Ts
  • DON'T put up your own reviews
  • DON'T pay people for reviews
  • DON'T con people into leaving a review
  • DON'T respond negatively to a negative review
  • DON'T do nothing...get started now.  The sooner the better.
For more information about online reviews or digital marketing, please visit

Monday, March 25, 2013

Seasonal Digital Marketing

As we sit here on March 25th 2013, it is snowing.  Now it's not uncommon to have snow on the 5th day of Spring and I can remember a couple Phillies games that I went to that had freezing rain and/or snow at them. What I can say that is that, a certain groundhog in Western Pennsylvania, was completely WRONG.  This has gotten me thinking about the seasonal marketing that takes place and how much weather effects the business of online advertising.

We are on the verger of getting into our Spring marketing push and many advertisers are gearing up.  I've had a lot of questions about why SEM is important to seasonal advertisers and when you should start.

One of the main reasons why PPC on Google, Yahoo and Bing are so crucial to local Philadelphia businesses is that it allows you to be targeted and seasonal.  Below are three core reasons why each Philly seasonal business needs to invest in search engine marketing.

  • Flexibility
    • What other advertising platform can you be on where you can turn on your ads and be in front of those that are looking for your type of service?  None, is the correct answer.  The search engines are perfect for seasonal clients in Philadelphia because you can easily set up a schedule for your core season and leading up to it.
    • Some might say that you would want to run PPC in Philadelphia all year long.  I would say that it depends on the type of industry and your budget.  We have clients that do both and for those that can afford it, you can definitely get business in your off peak but it needs to be managed correctly.
  • Affordability
    • Many businesses are noticing a trend in online marketing and this is that Google is putting an emphasis on doing PPC.  Read more about it at War on Free Clicks.  What Google is saying is that you must focus your efforts on paid search if you want to have really good placement.
    • What seasonal businesses can do is to turn up and turn down their monthly spend on the search engines, which keeps their placement but also allows them affordability managing their marketing budget.

  • Target-ability
    • With search engine marketing in the Philadelphia area, you can cut out a lot of the waste in your marketing budget. The beauty of online marketing is that you can zero in on what your geographic area really is.  With Radio, TV, Print and other traditional advertising, this is normally not the case.  I worked in the radio advertising world and have seen countless cases of companies wasting ad dollars on big market radio stations but they only service a small area.  There is tremendous amount of waste in traditional advertising.
    • Google Adwords allows for hyper targeting. Every seasonal local business in the Delaware Valley needs this and should take advantage of honing in on your target audience. You know if your potential clients will, or will not, cross the river to do business with you.  Setting up your campaign to achieve this is why PPC on the search engines is so valuable.
For more information about how to run your seasonal advertising, visit